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St. Columba's Catholic Primary School

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“Children must be taught how to think not what to think” – Margaret Mead


What does SMSC at St Columba’s look like?

At the heart of our school is our Catholic ethos steeped in the virtues to live by and these are interweaved through our daily communication and relationships with the community.

Our classes are safe places for out children to learn and make mistakes. We focus in depth on the SMSC curriculum for one lesson per week. However, the children also revisit these at many points across the year in events held or in cross curricular links.



We aim for all children at St Columba’s to be confident children with Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) skills. SMSC is important for developing lifelong skills.

At each stage of learning, children should be able to demonstrate their understanding of the topic and build on this.

We intend to do this by

Ensuring high quality, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural curriculum that develops each year.

Providing a variety of opportunities that allow children to develop skills inside and out of the classroom that will enable them to grow as people.

Implementing the SMSC scheme across the whole school.



SMSC is a weekly session in all classes.

SMSC is also taught through nurture sessions in small groups and in class sessions.

Children will be directly informed they are participating in SMSC sessions often through the use of circle times.

Teachers will use the school’s SMSC overview to plan each session.

SMSC will be evidenced through the use of Big Books. Each class will have their own SMSC Big Book.



 The children will be able to:

  • Reflect on their own and other people’s beliefs and perspective on life.
  • Recognise the difference between right and wrong.
  • Use a range of social skills in different contexts.
  • Understand a wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others.


 SMSC Curriculum Map

smsc curriculum map.pdf

SMSC Progression Document

smsc knowledge skills and progression document.pdf


 SMSC One Page Profile


smsc one page profile.pdf



SEND and disadvantaged pupils are supported in their learning. All children are able to participate in SMSC sessions. Any barriers that children may face will be identified and addressed by teachers and support staff.

SEND and disadvantaged children will also have additional nurture sessions to support and help them where needed in their SMSC learning.


SMSC Related Policies

relationship sex health education policy.pdf