Year 4
Online learning 10.1.25
Hello everyone,
We hope to see you back in our classrooms as soon as possible. For today, we would like you to do some of the following activities:
Reminder: Please log into Reading Plus (for some of you Reading Eggs) and make sure you are doing your assignments. We will be checking regularly to release to you from hold if need be. Also, remember to log into TT Rockstars to help you learn your times tables.
Please complete the arithmetic paper below, test 6 today!
Click on the games below to practice some of our previous learning!
Short Division - demonstration tool
Mental Maths Train - A Four Operations Game
Using your oracy skills, start off by discussing the following statements:

Read the text all about sound waves and answer the questions.
Complete the sound survey!
Click the link below to have a go at some practical activities linked to our topic of sound! You can choose to carry out however many you like!
Top 10 Sound Experiments: Fun & Easy - Education Corner
English activity
Write some sentences to describe your garden or what you can see outside. Use the vocabulary listed below to help you.
History activity
One of the most famous death masks is the mask of the Tutankhamun (see below). It is made from two layers of gold, and the eyes and collar are made from coloured gemstones and glass, such as lapis lazuli, quartz and obsidian. We would like you to design your own death mask!
English activity
In English, you can write a poem about the snow.
History activity
Design your own sarcophagus. There are some examples attached to inspire you.
Reading comprehension
English activity
In English, we would like you to write a setting description of the pyramids.
History activities
The Ancient Egyptians invented one of the earliest known writing systems used from around 3000 BC.The symbols they used were called hieroglyphs, which comes from a Greek word meaning ‘sacred carving’. The Ancient Egyptians believed that hieroglyphs had been invented by the gods.
I would like you to write your name using the Ancient Egyptian writing system called hieroglyphics!
Build your own pyramid!
Reading Comprehension
Complete the following activity too for reading:
Welcome to Year Four Spring Term 1 2025!
We would like to welcome you all to Year 4, we have a great term planned with lots of exciting learning and fun activities.
To coincide with our curriculum theme on Ancient Egypt, in English, we will be starting a fantastic book called 'The Story of Tutankhamun' by Patricia Cleveland as well as 'The Egyptian Cinderella'. We will be using these books as a stimulus for our own writing.
In Maths, we will be starting our new topic on Length and Perimeter and looking at how to measure the perimeter of different polygons. Our second topic will be all about Fractions. Children will be looking at proper and improper fractions and will be converting, ordering and comparing mixed and improper fractions. There will also be a chance to complete a range of reasoning and problem solving questions using our knowledge for the topics we have learnt to show that we can apply our learning to a range of questions. We will also continue to learn all our times tables to 12 in preparation for the summer term
In Science, we will be focusing on our topic of Sound. We will explore the different parts of the ear and their role and carry out a range of experiments and observations, thinking about loud and quiet sounds and how sound changes in different circumstances.
Our RE topic for this term is called, 'Celebrating the Mass'. In this unit, we will be learning about why the Mass is important and why people attend. We will also be discussing different parts and items of the Mass and what they are used for. This will help us when we go for whole school Mass' as we will have further understanding on what is happening at each stage.
In Curriculum, our big question is, 'How can we recreate the wonders of Ancient Egypt?'. Children will learn about what was happening in Ancient Egypt and in Britain during the same time period. We will look at plotting historical events that occurred in Ancient Egypt on a timeline. Furthermore, we will look at the role of an archaeologist and how artefacts can be used to gather information about the past. Also, we will research the famous archaeologist, Howard Carter. In addition, children will learn about the purpose of a pyramid and lots more!
In Art, children will be looking at the unit, 'Exploring Pattern' from Access Art. They will research a craftivist called, Shaheen Ahmed and an artist named Andy Gilmore. They will also explore the rules of a famous artwork by Sol Lewitt and how they can evolve or break these rules to create their own artwork. In addition, the children will also look at tessellation and how we can achieve this in different ways. They will use Escher's tessellation as a starting point to create their own versions of tessellation artwork.
Design and Technology
In DT, we will be looking at our second topic of this year which is, “2D and 3D products.” We will be designing our own beanbags using the back stitch and the blanket stitch and will discuss why these are the best stitches to use for our product. We will also be looking at a range of different stitches we would find in our everyday lives and evaluate our final products to see what we did well and what we could do better next time in order to improve.
Interesting Websites
Ancient Egypt for Kids (
World History: Ancient Egypt for Kids (
Children will have PE lessons on a Tuesday afternoon. On this day only, they should come to school in their PE kit. For the rest of the week, the children should be wearing their full school uniform.
Knowledge Mats
Please find below the Knowledge Mats for this term's learning. Please take the time to read through these with your child as it will support and enhance their learning.
4 Poplar
4 Rowan