St Columba's Catholic Primary School

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St Columba's Catholic Primary School

Every Person is Precious to God

Absence & Attendance

If your child is absent from school you are required to contact the school as early as possible. Please then, complete the form below and submit.


Number of 100% Wristbands Awarded:
229 out of 344 children received attendance bands for w/e 12/07/2024

Current Whole School Attendance:
Attendance is 92.5% this week. Please make sure children come into school on time, everyday.


  • Year 5 Swimming Lessons
    Every Friday, 1.00pm-2.45pm
  • Year 6 Residential to
  • Ingleborough Hall
    Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st October 2022

We ask parents to keep these to a minimum and to send an explanatory note on the child’s return in all cases.   A phone call to school before 9.15am on each day a child is absent informing school of the reason for a child’s absence is required.

Please note that legally teachers are only able to give authorised absence marks for certain eventualities such as illness and not for non-essential absence such as shopping etc.

It is very important that your child is in school everyday and on time.

Did you know? If a child attends school for 90% of the time it means that they will have missed half a year of their education by the time they leave school in Year 6. This is why the target for good attendance is set at 96% nationally.

At St. Columba’s we want to recognise all of our children that attend school every day and on time. Any child that is in school 100% of the time without being late will receive a wristband that celebrates this fantastic attendance. Children that receive a wristband every week of this half term will get a special invitation to our Star Attender Party.


Star Attender Party
Star Attender Party