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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! Year 2 is made up of 2 classes, Willow and Cherry.

Keep scrolling to find out what we are getting up to in Spring 1 and meet the staff who work in each class. 

2 Willow

2 Cherry


Spring 1

Spelling Shed and NumBots

We ask that, where possible, children access Spelling Shed and NumBots 2-3 times a week as an extra piece of their homework. Any time spent on these apps will benefit learning. They can be accessed online through webpages or are downloadable as apps.


Homework will be sent out every Friday and is to be returned the following Thursday. It will include weekly spellings and things we have learnt throughout the week.

Reading books

Reading books are to be returned every Monday morning and will go back out as soon as these have been changed. Don't forget to sign the reading record each time your children have read to you.


PE is on a Thursday afternoon. Please send your children in full PE kit on this day.


In English this term we are introducing three new books, Lila and the Secret of Rain, The Big 5, and One Day on our Blue Planet. To make learning more engaging, these books also link to our curriculum unit, Where would you prefer to live, England or Kenya? 



We are starting the term with our multiplication and division unit, see the knowledge organiser above for key vocabulary and what your child will be learning.




Our focus for spring 1 is materials - What materials is the school made from? We will be learning all about the properties of different materials and hunting around school to locate them. We will be conducting investigations into suitable materials to build with and having lots of discussion about what we are learning along the way. 




This unit of RE builds on knowledge learnt from the Miracles unit in Autumn 2, it encourages children to think about how they can be disciples of Jesus. We will be learning about stories such as Jesus at the Temple, Jesus choosing his disciple and the ten Lepers. We will have lots of discussion around the hidden messages of each story and have lots of reflection.



Our curriculum focus this term shifts from history to geography. We will be learning about England and Kenya's geographical features and comparing them. We have linked our English texts to this unit to bring in cross-curricular links and make learning more engaging for the children.
Guided Reading 

inference lesson 4.pdf

Guided Reading in year 2 follows the same scheme as the phonics in year 1. We use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds and the cohort is split into a phase 4 group, a phase 5 group and 2 small intervention groups for those who are still learning early phonics sounds. Above is an example of the books and how we use them.
Meet the staff
Miss Sutcliffe - Class Teacher, 2 Willow 
Mrs Moore - Teaching Assistant and Cover Supervisor, 2 Willow
Miss Newton - Class Teacher and Assistant Head, 2 Cherry
Mrs McDonnell - Teaching Assistant, 2 Cherry
Miss Robinson - Teaching Assistant and 1:1 support, 2 Cherry