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St. Columba's Catholic Primary School

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At St. Columba's, we encounter Jesus through daily acts of Worship. On a Monday, Key Stage 2 pupils have Worship based on the Sunday Gospel or on a Scripture reading linked to the virtue of the half term. On a Tuesday, Key Stage 1 and EYFS pupils have Worship which is tailored to their needs. Through the week, pupils will watch Mark 10 Mission, have a Worship led by the teacher, the pupils and on a Friday, we come together for Celebration Worship where we thank Jesus for all the successes of the week. 

The student leadership team, which consists of the Head Boys and Girls, the Mini Vinnies and the School Council all play a role in planning and delivering Worships at key points of the year. 

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we have voluntary Worships based on a theme chosen by the Student Leadership team. These are held in the morning and at different prayer points in school. 

The Mark 10 Mission