Our SEND Intent
At St Columba’s we are committed to being a fully inclusive school which provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all learners. We ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential, personally, socially, emotionally and academically across the curriculum. We believe in removing barriers to learning, providing positive intervention and have high expectations for our learners. All children have the right to have their own particular needs met. We therefore provide personalised intervention and tailored support for the main areas of need:
- Cognition and Learning
- Communication and Interaction
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
- Sensory and/or Physical difficulties
The school is proud of its inclusive nature where there is a collective responsibility to promote the wellbeing and achievement of our children. Every teacher is a teacher of every pupil, especially those with special educational needs and disabilities.
View our SEND Policy
SEN Information Report Sept 2024
Click here for Information on Bradford’s Local Offer
View St. Columba’s Local Offer for SEND Provision and SEND information report
To view progress grids for EHCA referrals please click:
SEND co-ordinator: Mrs C Eagleton.
Inclusion & SEN Team: Led by Mrs C Eagleton, Mrs K Dixon, Mrs K Lovett, Mrs L Thomas, Miss H Blanchfield and SLT Team.
SEND Governor: TBC
To make any SEND enquires please email: and ensure subject is marked FAO: SENDCo