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St. Columba's Catholic Primary School

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Religious Education

Jesus answered, "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father except through me."

 Religious Education and Catholic Life at St. Columba's is led by Mrs Kelby, Mrs Page and Miss Blanchfield. 

At St. Columba's, Religious Education is taught in a creative way where teachers collaborate to create engaging lessons to help pupils think deeply about Jesus' message to each one of us. We work with teachers from other schools in the Blessed Christopher Wharton Trust and are supported by the Diocese. We use learning lenses in each lesson which helps us to encounter Jesus in a range of different ways. 

Our R.E. units are underpinned by our Virtues and based on The Way, The Truth and the The Life and in each one we lead the children to consider how we can live out each virtue in our daily lives. 

How is R.E. taught?

Teachers plan each unit carefully to make sure that the topic is well adapted to the individual needs of the children in each class; we want every child to be able to express their understanding and feelings. All children explore their own beliefs in response to Sacred Scripture. The Bible is central to our teaching of R.E.- pupils are given the chance to read and explore Bible passages in depth. In Early Years and KS1- pupils explore Jesus' parables and the stories of the Old Testament through provision and Godly play. 

In Key Stage 2, the learning lenses which help children to explore a topic in a range of ways. This usually starts with the Bible lens and in some topics then connects to the Liturgical lens- how does this part of the Bible link to the Mass? Our school Virtues are embedded in the curriculum so that children understand the Virtues are rooted in the teaching of Jesus.  Finally, through the cultural lens, pupils are exposed to high-quality religious art and music. 

How is R.E. assessed? 

Teachers' assessment of pupils takes place in a variety of ways; through discussions in lessons and careful questioning. These strategies allow teachers to draw out pupil understanding and extend their thinking. Teachers will listen in on group discussions and Oracy activities and look at the work that the children produce, this then informs what the teachers will plan for the next lesson. Knowledge mats are used to help the children capture all of their learning and revisit it.